Sunday, November 23, 2008


Dear Readers,

I'm practicing yoga since 11 years old, provide training for more then 10 years. I wish the best for Muslim friends.

Any history can be wrong, wrongly written, wrongly understand or even manipulated.
Truth is Truth which is India is source of all knowledge for man kind in this world, Hinduism is platform of any philosophy and life's code of ethics originates. That's also to be sharp we should say Dharma = 'Compassionate' is where VEDAS formulated.

Whole world every life form will have to point to India if any question need to be clarify with perfect or perfected answer including about sciences, philosophy and origin or god matter. Scientist without meeting Indian Sage and Yogi is continues test ground with correctable error. For a past 21 century history proves this.

As such just to summarize the whole briefing :
Ayurveda, Sciences, Invention as well cultural are origin from India, Dharma, In some people words Hinduism.

Everyone in this world including Christian, Islam Budhist, Jews, etc have become brain by reading those Vedas and translate with customisation according to each individual groups requirement. Most important activity of damage is the pure knowledge of Indian is been cut off partially or change to avoid original tracing thus its hanging without wholeness.

Learned men from China, Tibet the Greeks, Romans, Egyptians, Afghanistanis, Persians, Arabs and more traveled to learn the complete wisdom and bring it back to their own countries.

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Arabic under physicians such as Avicenna and Razi Sempion both whom quoted Indian Ayurvedic text, established Islamic medicine. AYURVEDIC and its medical treatment concept IS HIDUISM BASE!

16th century Europe, Paracelus, ho is known as the father of modern Western medicine, practiced and propagated a system of medicine which borrowed heavily from Ayurveda.



If some proves that my statement is wrong then i will remove this blogs immediately.

Fatwa on Yoga is the greatest loss for Muslim in Malaysia. Soon or near future the world history will witness and accept my compassionate statements.

I have heard muslim people wanted to do pilates, from where does pilates orginates check carefully Muslim should not play Chess Game it is design by Indian?

Next what could happen further highest migration statistic from Malaysia muslim to OVERSEA will increase for next following years.

Can I ask to someone if NOT YOGA to show which other exercise can cure Diebetics or Asthma?
Ok, if you say use medicine then modern medicine foundation its from Ayurvedic!

Most NHS or Hospital and Churhs in Western countries opening with high priority of Yoga Theraphy Centre as important community services.

A day will come Western will stop produce R&D and drugs and just implement Yoga & Meditation, so what Malaysian Muslim going to do for medicine?

This year alone above USD900 Million dollars (RM3,150,000,000.00) more then RM3.5 Billion ringgit spend for Yoga & Meditation research towards health & psyhology benefit in Western country)

Very important message, Indian, via Dharma Edge or now call Hinduism found CHAKRA which is 7 major Chakra, 7 major types of frequencies in human body. It's can be readed via biometric devices (finger print technology). That's is base universal energy flow thru human body thru Chakra and major Endrocrine Gland system. This chakra also base for Yoga Meditation which become beyond ordinary human's imagination about health recovery.

Every human including you and me have that 7 Chakra energy centre of conscious spot existed in body. Sinces this great knowledge is reveal by Indian , Dharma=Hinduism Are you going to deny this 7 Chakra is not exist in your body?

This is just a briefing after several calls/sms/emails/blogs chat about my view about Fatwa on Yoga. This writing after my research, discussion with Islamic experts and all written documentation available mostly written by Arab Muslim Scholars.

Every country who Fatwa on Yoga will remove it again just matter of time, Malaysia could be first or last country to remove fatwa on yoga.

Fatwa on Yoga is the greatest loss for Muslim in Malaysia. Soon or near future the world history will witness and accept my compassionate statements.

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