Monday, November 24, 2008

Malaysia Vision 2020 and India's Hinduism Quantum Theory

Malaysia Vision 2020 and India's Quantum Theory
This blogs created with written document evidence and after consult/refer several experts globally including Arabic Muslim scholars.
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Fatwa on Yoga. Adakah anda faham apa itu fatwa? Kenapa tak fatwa ‘0’ dan ‘1’. Ada yoga di haramkan dalam Islamic? Adakah yoga haram ditulis dalam apa juga dokumentasi Islam? Jika yoga haram kenapa En. Abu Rayhan al-Biruni (11th century) translasi dan menulis buku India Yoga Sutra oleh Yogi Patanjali ke bahasa Arabic. Kenapa Yoga diberi nama 'al-Jûjîyah'? Arab & Yoga?

Why Middle East countries Islam are originated doesn’t ban yoga and they have better yoga foundation, studio and good Muslim yoga instructors?

It’s greatest sin to manipulate knowledge!

India is Cradle for Knowledge. Indian they and their Vedas and them self doesn't group into any religious group. Thus Indian known is Dharma or nearest word in English is Highly Evolve Intellectual with Compassionate for all. India, Indian never separates them self as a group like Hindu until following historical things happen.

Nevertheless the scholar's who come from around the world including Greek, Egypt, Babylon, Arab, Jews, Europe's, whom study various discipline from India when they travel back to home country just to differentiate them self from THE ORIGINAL TEACHERS expert whom are India Rishi, Yogi, Gurus and to avoid using Vedas directly they have to renamed, modified, adopted partial knowledge drop part of it. The truth will ever reveal as it and its exist in their own language, in their own countries historical books at their own library. When the student have group name they wanted the original master 'India/Indian' to have group name and about 2039 years ago the word Hindu appear from word Sindhu River, because Arab trader couldn't pronounce Sindhu properly.

With highest compassionate an India/Indian will never simply use in ego the word oh this is knowledge from Hinduism unless until such things like Fatwa Yoga in Malaysia. Now if I use the word India, automatically the others going use word Hinduism / Sanskrit / Tamil philosophy.

Back to our original matter which is Malaysia's Vision 2020, to be developed nation. Yes we can achieved it. From my understanding Vision 2020 achieved when:


Establishing a united Malaysian nation made up of one Bangsa Malaysia


Creating a psychologically liberated, secure and developed Malaysian society


Fostering and developing a mature democratic society


Establishing a fully moral and ethical society


Establishing a matured liberal and tolerant society


Establishing a scientific and progressive society


Establishing a fully caring society


Ensuring an economically just society, in which there is a fair and equitable distribution of the wealth of the nation


Establishing a prosperous society with an economy that is fully competitive, dynamic, robust and resilient

Refer to Second key attainment Creating a psychologically liberated, secure and developed Malaysian society. Now Big Bang Theory agreeing Indian Philosophy.

Things like Universe Created from Nothingness need to be accepted.

Refer to Sixth key attainment creating a psychologically liberated, secure and developed Malaysian society; for this to be achieved every individual in Malaysia will the accept Indian Philosophy?

The Question is When Malaysian Scientist Will Be Perfect in Metaphysics R&D
read further for the answer back by scientific evidence

Global experts / scientist research prove the internationally accepted fact that Modern Scientist have to meet Indian's Vedas to be perfect researchers. That's I have special quotes:

All past; modern, current and future scientific research activities FOUND INFORMATION RESULTS are reversing knowledge of Kundalini Yoga & Meditation. Ancient art of Kundalini Yoga Meditation invention, existence & it's usage pre-dates any written & unwritten STUDIES in the world.
By Mahaguru Elanggovan

India & Indian Vedas are Perfect Knowledge
Modern scientist will be error free upon
understanding and accepting the mind of Sage / Rishi / Yogi

Among hundreds, thousands, millions of globally known fact that only India / Indian / Hinduism 's philosophy, vedas, knowledge, theory, mathematics, concept, R&D finding perfectly match with current latest modern sciences in quantum theory and metaphysics area.

By Prof Henry Stapp, Physicist
“The basic oneness of the universe is not only the central characteristic of the mystical experience but is also one of the most important revelations of modern physics. The most important discovery in history of sciences.”
The Rishi's vision of a world in which man participates in a seamless existence, indivisibly united with the universe around him, resonates through a discovery called "BELL'S THEOREM". This discovery, first proposed in 1964 by the physicist John S. Bell was first confirmed by experiment in 1972 by Professor John Clauser at Berkley. It is an almost unbelievable result - unbelievable because the logical mind has great difficulty in comprehending how it can be true. Its impact on the physics community has been enormous. Professor Henry Stapp, a physicist at Berkley and an authority on the implications of Bell's Theorem, has called it THE MOST IMPORTANT DISCOVERY IN THE HISTORY OF SCIENCE. A description of the proof of Bell's theory, as given by Stapp reads:"If the statistical predictions of quantum theory are true, an objective universe is incompatible with the law of local causes." Although formidable at first glance, Bell's Theorem seems simpler once key terms are understood. First, an "objective universe" is simply one that exists apart from our consciousness.

Edited from

The Question is Will Malaysian Achieved Vision 2020 in reality on just on paper?

The Question is When Malaysian Scientist Will Be Perfect in Metaphysics R&D?

Are Malaysian Scientist and People of Whole Country Will Accept Metaphysics?

Are We Willing to Accept India / Indian / Hinduism Vedas?

Every individual can decide individually as it is been brief from scientific point of view not accepting religious point of view.

Wake up, cheers up guys, we are in reality world don't just talk non-sense by keeping your individual mind and making the other intellectual as non-brain peoples.

When Indian say India why others have to accelerated the issue as Hinduism and finally stuck in non-fundamental situation?

In historical time, Muslims did consciously borrow from yoga and acknowledged the source. The traveling scholar Abu Rayhan al-Biruni (11th century) translated the Yoga Sutra of Patanjali into Arabic. Shah Muhammad Ghaus of Gwalior (16th century), a leader of the Shattârîyah order of Sufis, incorporated yoga practices into his teaching, based on the yogic text Amrtakunda. Yoga even reached as far as North Africa, where al-Sanusi (19th century) wrote of the yoga âsanas (jalsah); he referred to yoga in Arabic as “al-Jûjîyah“. Hereby source from Arab said Islam praying system design from Yoga Sutra.

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With highest un-conditional love and compassionate in heart I would like call a peace request please allow individual utilize ancient art of yoga meditation as it already incorporate into global cultural centuries ago. By doing yoga it’s more systematic and to gain higher results.

By Mahaguru Elanggovan Contact for Corporate Yoga
The Professional Corporate Yoga Workshop Provider

1 comment:

Nadiah Azli said...

Do you know the EXACT REASON WHY they banned yoga?
Im curious, seriously.